
Fields Of Morning ~ Exhibition Token

Laurence Fuller

The exhibition token for "Fields Of Morning" contains six original pieces ~ Each digital artwork was adapted from the paintings of Kesja Tabaczuk and the poetry of Laurence Fuller. Fields Of Morning is about our connection to all the world around us, as creators and poets of each moment. About presence and the beauty of being alive. The first steps that we take out into the fields each morning with the rising sun, on our road back home again to self discovery. The Lyca character is loosely based on a series of poems by William Blake. I first came across Kesja Tabaczuk’s work on social media, the precision and careful deliberation of her works were counterbalanced by elements of the absurd. These wondering wild animals and half finished birds, questioned the mundane. These masterful portraits, left an open space that was an opportunity for poetic storytelling. Figurative painting in our time has become more rare and special with the reduction of all art to the instant. Yet we know there are some instants in our lives which rest in our memories with more potency and contemplation than others. When all you have is sentiment, the imagination has even greater weight than life itself. The world around becomes an extension of our inner lives. And beauty echoes back to us ~ a paradise in this life. When we were young the fields of the morning find in early memories of Mother Nature, our true potential. This Exhibition Token is a collaboration between Laurence Fuller and Kesja Tabaczuk. laurencefuller.art/fields-of-morning




