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Nexus Passage

The night air was heavy with the scent of rain-soaked asphalt in Luthringen, the neon lights reflecting in scattered like fragments of another world. Tarragan thumbed through his phone as he stood outside station platform. It was late, and he wasn’t even sure why he had wandered this far from home. Above the station’s entrance, the digital sign flickered: HARMONIZING, glitched every few seconds, like the system was struggling to hold onto its own reality. “Strange name for a night line,” Tarragan uttered, his voice lost in the ambient hum of the city of Luthringen at night. “Strange? Or fitting?” a voice said in front of him. Tarragan turned to see the figure who had silently appeared just a few feet away. The man was tall, his skin an emerald green that shimmered faintly under the streetlights. His hair was a deep violet, slicked back like a river of amethyst, and he wore a black coat embroidered with golden swirls that seemed to shift and writhe like living things. “I'm still wondering why only we can see it and others can't?” Tarragan inquired. The green man smiled, revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. “The Harmonizing Line,” he said, gesturing toward the station entrance. “It’s not just a train. It’s a bridge.” “A bridge to where?” Tarragan asked, taking a cautious step back. The man tilted his head, his eyes glinting with an otherworldly light. “Not where. When, what, and how. This train doesn’t just run between stations, T. It runs between dimensions.” Tarragan stared at him, unsure whether to laugh or run. “Right… dimensions. Like, parallel universes? That kind of thing?” “Precisely,” the man said, his voice smooth as silk. He stepped closer to the station entrance. “Each stop is a reality. Some are echoes of this one. Some are vibrant, others less so.” Tarragan frowned, clutching his phone like a lifeline. “Okay, so… if this is a bridge to other dimensions, why are you telling me? Why would I even believe you?” The man chuckled, a low, musical sound that seemed to resonate in Tarragan’s chest. “Why indeed? Perhaps I see potential in you. Or perhaps I’m just bored. Either way, the choice is yours.” He gestured toward the station entrance again. The warm light spilling out from within seemed to pulse, as though it were alive. “It leaves in three earth minutes. Step inside, and you’ll see for yourself. Or stay here, in your comfortable reality, and wonder forever what might have been.” Tarragan hesitated, glancing at the station and then back at the green man. “This is insane,” he muttered. “Sanity is overrated, relatively speaking, besides look at your phone, it’s the place we’re going to. the man replied as he turned towards the clock. Tarragan’s heart pounded. The world around him—the streets, the buildings, the distant hum of the city—suddenly felt fragile, like a thin veil that could tear at any moment. He looked down at his phone, the glowing screen showing what could be. “What happens if I get on?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The green man’s eyes gleamed. “I would imagine reality as you know it changes, for the better.” The sound of a train approaching rumbled from within the station. Tarragan always thought of himself as practical, grounded. But now, standing on the precipice of something impossible, he felt a pull deep in his chest. The train screeched to a halt below, its doors hissing open. The green man stepped aside, pointing the way. “We have dimensions to heal T.” Tarragan took a deep breath, his feet moving before his brain could catch up. One step, then another, until he was crossing the threshold into the glowing mouth of the station. It was 1:11 in the morning, Tarragan decided to jump dimensions and to a journey that beyond his wildest imagination.
  • UniverseThiaverse
  • ThemeStudy
  • WorldLuthringen
  • SeasonWinter
  • MoodStrange
  • ElementStone
  • Key SymbolDoor
  • PaletteBottle Green
  • RoleAdept
  • Energy SignaturePortal
  • #anime
  • #sci-fi
  • #fantasy
  • #spiritual