
Spectral Diffusion


The internet is a corpse, yet something moves within it. Spectral Diffusion is an archive of the unreal, a collection of AI-generated specters lurking in the grain and decay of aged film stills. Apparitions, faceless stalkers, figures glimpsed at the edges of perception—all presented as if pulled from lost footage, though no camera ever captured them. Instead, a machine whispers them into existence, fabricating ghosts from fragmented data. But what if these visions are not mere illusions? What if the internet, though dead, still dreams—and in its endless, automated churning, has begun to produce hauntings of its own?




Inspired by being scared.

Whether its around a campfire or inside a blanket fort, telling scary stories with friends is a timeless tradition. These images are not "real" but the story we're telling together is the kind of real that only happens with "make-believe". Immerse yourself in the moment of the controlled scare, forget about the real monsters out there.

Finish the tale with a Story Inscription.

The image and relative location have been provided, the rest of the story is left to the collector to tell. Will you relate it to an experience from your childhood, an urban legend from back home? Will it be a fresh new tale to scare your friends, or something else entirely?

