Media Underlay

12. of your former self.


Parallel Life includes standalone pieces or mini-series that, for whatever reason, don't exactly belong in the 1/1 series "this current life" on L1 ETH. Ingmar Bergman shot Seventh Seal here, at Hovs Hallar, on the south-west coast of Sweden. Thematically, this series of mine is fairly self-explanatory in terms of titles and imagery. The series name of "trettonde steget" means "the thirteenth step" in Swedish.

Public sale live

0.007 ETH



The theme of death, my own long-term health issues (early onset Parkinson's ), undiagnosed depression, and the encroaching darkness of Autumn all coalesced here as a series of 13. The number 13 of course means different things to different people, but for me it has always been a lucky number. The pricing, in a way, could only ever be 0.007 ETH, given the inspiration of Seventh Seal, the role of 7 around the world in religions and belief systems, and the fact that it marks the half-way point in this series of 13. The series can be read in either direction, with "a bright white light" at the midpoint between "portal" and "ättestupan", which I will leave unexplained here. Despite all of this, the intention is not one of negativity or grief, rather of continuation, of not simply relenting to the darkness. All photos are from a single roll of Kentmere PAN 400, shot the same day, developed at-home, scanned at-home, with very very minimal editing. Pieces 6-9 were shot at Hovs Hallar itself, while the remainder were shot in nearby areas.
